Well happy Fathers day!
I recently did one of those huge things Dad's get to do, when I walked my daughter down the isle!
It all went really well, although I must admit to feeling bittersweet, I wore a black shirt which represented mourning, (sort of anyway) & a bright orange tie to express my joy!
Now, I firmly believe that fatherhood is under attack in Australia.
At a time when we need men to stand up & be counted, our Government is undermining societies view of fatherhood by moving towards giving same sex couples adoption rights. It's not that I'm being 'homophobic' in saying this, but the fact is every child deserves to grow up with a Mum & a Dad!
We just need to look at the growing statistics that point to the increasing vandalism, drug & alcohol abuse, violent crime, rape etc that teenage boys in particular are involved in.
Much of this is because these boys don't have a strong godly male role model in their lives to give them the discipline & direction they desperately need!
So as a father myself, I need to ask myself, "What sort of role model am I?"
Ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 calls us to "Imitate God" or "Grow up like Dad."
I hope you'll listen along as we think about what that means.
Happy Fathers Day!