As we come to the realization that the church isn't the building, but instead it's the people meeting in the building, we come to understand so much more about Christ's church on earth.
We start to see how we fit into Jesus church, how we are placed together as 'living stones' that make up the spiritual building.
How that process takes place is important.
Not everyone who sits on a pew or attends a worship service is a 'living stone.'
Peter reminds us we need to be "born again" (1 Peter 1:23)
Jesus is our 'precious cornerstone', the 'Living Stone' upon which His church is built, & each born again Christian is a living stone in the building of His spiritual house.
"Everytime someone trusts Christ,another stone is quarried out of the pit of sin and cemented by grace into the building." Warren Wiersbe
Listen along to learn more about these 'living stones.'