Wednesday 26th saw our Church ladies doing an incredible job of running our annual m/tea to raise funds & awareness of World Visions work among the poor of the world. Each year they help over 20 million people with short & long term needs, food, water, health & education. So it's great we are able to do something to help them reach out with hands of compassion. Often when we think about the huge problem of poverty around the world, we come to the conclusion that "it's just too hard!" But when we get together with a shared passion, a shared vision of what can be, we can & do make a difference! Well done everybody, we raised over $700 & that will help 90 kids for a whole month!
Home again after a couple of weeks away travelling up the coast to Coolangatta in Queensland. Leonie & I got to catch up with some good friends & both my sisters as well! God blessed us with some great weather as we travelled around checking out some truly beautiful parts of His creation, Diamond Beach, Coffs Harbour, Lake Macquarie, Lamington National Park, Tugan, & Forster. Got to feed parrots, & rosellas at Lamington, an interesting experience having them landing on your arms, shoulders & head! Anyway, it was a great time away from home responsibilities for a while!
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I updated, but things have been just so busy! We live in a fast paced world don't we? Each day seems to bring so many things that can consume our every waking moment & still demand even more of our time! But, we all need to spend time relaxing, resting our over active minds! We need to spend time quietly reflecting on our God & His Word, the Bible. In Psalm 46 verse 10 it says "Be still, and know that I am God." Thankfully I was able to do that while we were away on hols, but this must continue now we're back! We must make a conscience decision to set time aside to be still, to relax, to reflect on God's goodness & grace. I pray you'll make whatever changes in your life that you need to to make this possible!