Love one another as Christ loved you.
These words should resound through the very being of the Christian Church, here in Australia & all around the world!
With all the tragedy, brokenness, violence & relational breakdown that is rappidly increasing in society, there is a great need for people to see true Christian love being lived out in Christ's body, the Church.
Jesus said to his followers these words "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John chapter 13 verse 35
Just what would happen if each of Christ's Churches started living that way, loving that way?
If each & every Christian loved their brothers & sisters authentically, compassionately, patiently, sacrificially. Don't tell me that the world would not notice. Don't tell me broken people wouldn't find that attractive.
Don't tell me that lives would not be changed, transformed, saved.
What an incredible impact the Church would have if we all followed Jesus' command to "Love one another."
What do you think?