How great is God's love?
That's a big question isn't it?
This week we look at a passage of Scripture which says;
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God." 1 john 3:1
As we consider this statement, we need to see who John is refering to as the "children of God."
Isn't that everyone on earth? Aren't we all the children of God?
Well, no we aren't!
Why do I say that?
Look at the previous verses. "And now, dear children, continue in him (Jesus) so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming...you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him."
John reminds us of Jesus words to Nicodemus (John chapter3) when He told Nic that he needed to be born again, not in a physical sense, but born again spiritually.
When we call on Jesus Christ to save us from a lost and hopeless existence, when we surrender our will to His will, we are born again into the family of God!
Then we can claim the title of "children of God."
Then we can start to understand the greatness of God's love for us.
A love that sent Jesus to the cross, to die there for your sins and mine.
"Amazing love, how can it be? That You my God should die for me! (Charles Wesley)
As God's children, we are not only saved, but we have the hope of heaven place securely in our hearts. How should this change us?
How should this impact how we live our lives on this earth?
Listen along as we look at "The greatness of God!"