Aug 13, 2010

The Reconciling Gospel. MP3

We read in ACTS 8 about the Gospel going out of Jerusalem into Judea & Samaria.
As the church suffered persecution, God used that to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ to those who needed to hear it!
A huge barrier to that happening was the relationship, or the lack of it, between Jews & Samaritans. To say that they disliked each other would be to put it lightly!
No wonder Jesus upset people when he told the parable of the good Samaritan! (Luke 10:25-37)
How would this barrier be broken?
With the Gospel!
The Gospel is all about reconciliation, firstly between God & mankind, & then between each of us! No longer Jew or Samaritan, Greek or anything else. (Galatians 3:28) And God has given us the Gospel to bring about that reconciliation!
"All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself & gave us the ministry of reconciliation;" (2 Corinthians 5:18)
We all need Christ working in our lives, reconciling us to God, & to others!
What a joy to be able to view each other as brothers & sisters, no matter the colour of our skin or the nationality of our birth!
That's the Gospel of Jesus Christ at work!

Aug 8, 2010

NSW Government to vote on private bill.

Religious agencies seek gay adoption bill exemption

Independent MP Clover Moore introduced a bill in June that seeks to legalise adoption for gay couples.
But Anglicare has written to MPs urging them to vote against the bill and is threatening to withdraw its adoption services if the laws are introduced.
Community Services Minister Linda Burney says Cabinet will this week discuss amending the bill so Anglicare and Catholic Agency, Centacare, can refuse gay couples adoption rights.
Ms Burney says the agencies have a right to voice their views but it will come down to a conscience vote in Parliament.
"Anglicare and Centacare not only are adoption agencies, they also work very closely and are important partners in our fostering endeavours in NSW," she said.
"I think the exemption is sensible and I think it's important that it's there."
Anglicare is one of the three accredited non-government adoption agencies in the state.
Its chief executive Peter Kell wrote to MPs outlining 11 reasons why the bill should be rejected, including that children need the opportunity to have both a mother and a father.
He says adoption is not a gay rights issue but needs to be carried out in the interests of the child.
Mr Kell says MPs should take a conservative approach when it comes to a conscience vote on the issue.
"Our understanding of how families are best constructed is that children need the opportunity to have both a mother and a father," he said. "Men and women complement each other and the optimal care for children really consists of being in a family for both a mother and a father."

The Persecuted Church MP3

In the book of ACTS we read about the beginning of the Christian church, & we also read about how those early believers were persecuted for their faith in Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ.
In chapter 8 of ACTS we see Jesus followers scattered out of Jerusalem into Judea & Sameria, taking the Good News of the Gospel with them, just as Christ had told them (ACTS 1:8) Ever since that time, Christians have suffered persecution for their beliefs, right up to this very day.
A simple internet search for "Persecuted Christians" will reveal accounts from many places around the globe, such as China, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, North Korea, Iran, Iraq & the list goes on!
So, can we see anything good in all of this?
I believe we can!
We can see God using bad things that happen to the church for His good.
Through persecution the Gospel spread out of Jerusalem & around the world!
Why not listen along as we see 4 points of encouragement from ACTS 8:1-8

Aug 4, 2010

It's our choice!

Now, I'm about to get controversial so hang on!
With the Federal election approaching we need to consider a whole range of things as we decide who to vote for, which party we won't to see in Government, & who they are putting forward as their party leader, thus the next Prime Minister.
A really important fact to remember is this;
I can't vote for either Julia or Tony, as I don't live in either of their electorates.
This is one of the huge misunderstandings, & something all parties are playing on.
I can only vote for my local member, & regardless of which party they are in, I'll be voting for who I think will be the best representative for my local area!
My Senate vote will be directed to the party which I feel best represents godly values & achievable, good policies.
Now the controversial bit.
As a country are we ready to have our Prime Minister residing in the Lodge, living in a de-facto relationship?
Are we truly ready for the leader of this country, who represents us all around the world, to be "living in sin"?
Are we ready for our Prime Minister to publicly declare "There is no God."
(Read Psalm 14:1)
These are, I think, valid questions that we should be asking ourselves.
What do you think?