With all the up's & down's happening on the worlds stock markets,
many people are really, really worried about their assets, their wealth.
None of us want to lose what we have,
many people are really, really worried about their assets, their wealth.
None of us want to lose what we have,
but is that what truly defines you?
If you lost it all today, what would you be like?
If you lost it all today, what would you be like?
What would be left?
"The real measure of our wealth
is how much we'd be worth if we lost all our money."
J. H. Howett
"you can't be the slave of two masters!
"The real measure of our wealth
is how much we'd be worth if we lost all our money."
J. H. Howett
"you can't be the slave of two masters!
You will like one more than the other
or be more loyal to one than the other.
You can't serve both God & money."
Jesus Christ
It's worth thinking about isn't it?