Sep 24, 2008

True wealth

With all the up's & down's happening on the worlds stock markets,
many people are really, really worried about their assets, their wealth.
None of us want to lose what we have,
but is that what truly defines you?
If you lost it all today, what would you be like?
What would be left?
"The real measure of our wealth
is how much we'd be worth if we lost all our money."
J. H. Howett
"you can't be the slave of two masters!
You will like one more than the other
or be more loyal to one than the other.
You can't serve both God & money."
Jesus Christ
It's worth thinking about isn't it?

Sep 22, 2008


None of us like to suffer & that's a pretty solid fact isn't it?
But, suffering is also a fact, a fact of life.
Whilever we're in this world we will face troubles & situations that bring suffering fairly & squarley into the path we walk along.
Here's a couple of points about suffering we all need to remember.
1. Suffering is actually good for us.
What! that can't be right can it?
Look at what the Apostle Peter wrote: "These (sufferings) have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, .... may be proved genuine & may result in praise, glory & honour when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:7
The Apostle Paul wrote: "..suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; & character, hope.
And hope does not disapoint us.."
Romans 5:3
2. You don't suffer alone.
Jesus told his disciples this: "And I will ask the Father, & he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth." John 14:16
God is with you no matter what you're facing or what you're going through! He won't leave you, so hold onto that truth.
And if you are part of a loving Church, you also have a family around you who care what you're going through!
May God grant you the strength to face today,
& bright hope for tomorrow.

Sep 21, 2008

"Don't receive God's grace in vain!" MP3

What do you think of when you think of grace?
The saving grace, the action of grace, that allows us to be saved?
Or maybe you think of the ongoing grace, the daily grace
that as Christians we receive from God.
Well, it's both isn't it.
Look at the old hymn 'Amazing Grace"
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
that saved a wretch like me."

""Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home."

Grace saves & grace leads us on.
Listen along to Luke Padgett from CSU in Wagga
as he shares some thoughts from 2 Corinthians chapter 6

Sep 14, 2008

"Sampson, man of faith." MP3

There are some great characters in the Old Testament
& today we have a look at Sampson, from the book of Judges.
Sampson was given incredible strength by God,
strength that stayed with him while he was in God's will.
But that strength left him when he staryed away from God.
"Sin saps strength" the headline could say!
Listen as Ron Blyth shares the story of "Sampson, man of faith."

"Lessons from the history of Joseph" MP3

The Word of God (the Bible) is given to us for encouragement, correction, guidance & teaching.
Every part of the Bible is there for us to
learn & apply to our own lives.
Joseph's story, in the book of Genesis, can teach us so much can't it?
So today we look at six points
each of us need to take hold of & apply.
Listen along to Allen Crooks, as he shares
"Lessons from Joseph's life."