Jul 27, 2008

"Real faith works!" MP3

This week we look at the call on every Christians life to be about the work of God.
What a privilege!
But, we don't do anything to earn our salvation.
We don't & can't do anything to earn the favour of God.
We don't & can't do anything to recieve grace, for it's a gift from God!
We work for God out of a sense of gratitude for the love He has given us through His Son Jesus.
Works don't save us, but they show others that we have been saved!
There's so much that needs doing in this world.
So many people who need to see Christianity in action.
Are you ready?

Jul 13, 2008

"We must stay connected!" MP3

How do we live the Christian life?
How do we experience peace, love & joy in our lives?
How do we live fruitful lives?

Jesus answered these quetions for us in ch 15 of John's gospel,
when He said these words.
"I am the vine, you are the branches. Remain in me.."

Listen along as we discover what Jesus was sharing with His disciples,
a message so relevant to us today!