Jun 29, 2008

"The prodigal son." Part 1 MP3

The parable of the prodigal son must be one
of the most well know stories in the Bible.
But, while it's so well known,
it probably isn't understood as clearly as it should be.
This parable could well be called "God's outrageous love for us!"
Listen along & find out why.

Jun 15, 2008

"Are you willing?"

Jesus often challenged people's opinions & beliefs with His teaching.
It's good for us to be challenged as well,
even though often we don't like it much!
In Lukes gospel we read about a situation where Jesus
laid out a huge challenge to everyone gathered.
"Are you willing to carry your cross?" He asked them.
He's asking us that same question today.
"Are you willing?"
Listen along to learn more.

Jun 8, 2008

"Together as the family of God" prt 4 MP3

Together we make up the family of God.
But just like any family, conflicts can arise.
In his letter to the Colossian church, Paul stresses to them
how we are to live with each other.
We are to "take off the old self"
just as we would take off a dirty old coat,
& then we are to "put on the new self"
which will enable us to live as members of God's family.
Listen along as we close out this series
"Together as the family of God."

Jun 1, 2008

"Together as the family of God" prt 3 MP3

For 3 weeks now we've seen how God draws us together from diverse backgrounds to become part of His family, the church.
2 great gifts that God gives us, His church, are diversity & unity.
So today's talk from Romans chapter 12, reveals how God wants us to see His church, as a body.
Just as your body has many different parts, so does the church.
And if you are a part of God's church, He has given you a gift to use in the life of that church.
Listen along to hear more!